Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

CONGRATULATIONS to all SCK3433 students! You've made me and Dr Noorminshah very proud. I'm very happy with the overall program and satisfied with the outcomes of todays competition (Even Prof Dr Hanan can't resist the temptation of attending our activity!).

Generally I would like to thank all of you for your active participation. Without all the participant, it impossible to have this event going really smoothly. Special THANK YOU to the committee, Fadil, Zar Junid, Ng Pek Shi (where are you?), Jothi, Amy, who else? sorry if I miss any names here. You guys have done a really excellent job!

Special congratulations to the Winners - Search and Found Group, LogistiCentral System Group and another one I forgot (will update again later). Also to the Poster group Winner.

Last but not least to Dr Noorminshah for her undying, never say never support. BIG APPLAUSE to her!

Now... your final hurdle... Final Exam....

Good Luck!

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