Sunday, April 5, 2009

Final Class

Dear Students,

Just to remind you that today (April 6) will be the final class for this subject. Dr Noorminshah will take over the class and it will be held at BK1 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.

Please be informed.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Assalamualaikum and Good Evening,

CONGRATULATIONS to all SCK3433 students! You've made me and Dr Noorminshah very proud. I'm very happy with the overall program and satisfied with the outcomes of todays competition (Even Prof Dr Hanan can't resist the temptation of attending our activity!).

Generally I would like to thank all of you for your active participation. Without all the participant, it impossible to have this event going really smoothly. Special THANK YOU to the committee, Fadil, Zar Junid, Ng Pek Shi (where are you?), Jothi, Amy, who else? sorry if I miss any names here. You guys have done a really excellent job!

Special congratulations to the Winners - Search and Found Group, LogistiCentral System Group and another one I forgot (will update again later). Also to the Poster group Winner.

Last but not least to Dr Noorminshah for her undying, never say never support. BIG APPLAUSE to her!

Now... your final hurdle... Final Exam....

Good Luck!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Poster Size Correction

Dear Students,

There has been a mistake regarding the poster size. I realize that the A0 size is a bit too big (Mahjung size). The actual poster size is A2. The measurement is as follows:

420 x 594 mm
16.5 x 23.4 in

Thank you to Fadil for informing me about my mistake.

Mohd Iskandar Illyas

Friday, March 20, 2009

Poster Size

Dear Students,

Just to update you on the size of the A0 Poster:

83.0 cm x 115.4cm


32.7 inch x 45.4 inch

Please take note.

Thank you

Monday, March 9, 2009

Poster Day

Dear Students,

Just to keep update on our Poster Day. The details are:

  • Date: 25 March 2009
  • Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Venue: FSKSM Foyer
The dateline of your report submission is on the 19th Mar 2009 while the poster should be submit to the Head of Committee (Padil) by 23 Mar 2009.

Please support and give your full cooperation to Padil to make sure the event a success.

Good Luck!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Thank you

Dear Students,

Last Friday is the due date for the submission of your Assignment 2. Until today I've received 6 hardcopy reports and several emails submission of your softcopy files. Thank you for your cooperation and I will now look into each of the reports and evaluate it thoroughly.

Now, your mid term exam is just around the corner (Feb 18 to be exact!). I really hope that you all prepare yourself for it (Who don't?) and I've given away few tips during our class. Good luck and all the best.

The next several weeks will be the crucial period for all of you (projects, exams, more assignments!). Please visit this blog for more updates and tips!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Assignment 2 - Literature Review

Dear Students,

I would like to inform that Assignment 2 is due to start. The instruction and sample article is ready for download from my elearning sites. Please read the instruction carefully and get back to me if you have any questions.

I would like to emphasis on the job that you've already done on your blog. Those group who already search for resources, you have a huge advantage since most of the resources can be used for this assignment. Please re-organise the resources and put it in your assignments in a systematic way as I mention in the instruction.

I forgot to mention in the instruction regarding the significance of this resources. Please have at least 15 references in your literature review. I'm sure most of the content comes from other source (Don't just cut and paste, and didn't quote the author/ writer). So please do the referencing appropriately (I suggest use Endnote XI which can be downloaded from CICT). If I have time, will show you a demo of how to use Endnote software in class.

Good luck!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Progress So Far

Hi Guys,

Just to update you guys on your friends progress. Congratulations to Manager Master and The Big Four. I can say that you both set the standard for others to follow. Keep up the good work!

As I mention today, please do a review on your selected topic by referring to journal articles or magazines. 2 or 3 articles should suffice. Google Scholars is the easiest and fastest way to get the articles. If you have more time, PSZ is the best place to get the extra resources.

I will provide some examples of article reviews in few days time. So please visit this blog for further updates.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Comments Please!

Hi Guys,

I've modify the setting for the comments and start from now you can leave comments and suggestions.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tips on Resources for Transportation Industry


As I mention in our class, every group need to identify specific topic of interest in transportation industry. To be honest, transportation industry is huge where it doesn't only cover the vehicles (cars, lorries, boats, airplane, etc), but also it includes all the services (public transportation, automotive design, logistics, delivery, etc).

I've come across several resources which is really interesting: books, magazines, newspaper to start with. There's a huge number of books in the library that covers topics such as logistics, supply chain management system, transportation for tourism, etc.

To start, I will share some journals information that discuss about transportation. Among them:
Some excellent example of logistic website such as:
That's it from me. I guess you guys better start work now :)

Assignment 1 - Group Formation and Blog Creation


As I mention in our previous class (Jan 5, 2009), your first assignment is to form a group (approximately 4 people) and create a blog. This blog will serve as a medium for each of the group to communicate and cooperate among each others. Furthermore it will be the center for each of the group to report on your progress (assignments, projects, thought, comments, etc).

Please be advice that you need to complete this first task by the end of this week.

Good Luck.

SCK3433 Instructor



Welcome to SCK3433. This blog was created for the purpose of communicating ideas and information for the subject of Managing Organisation Information System.

I am the instructor for this subject who will guide you for the rest of this semester (December 2008/09).

Please come and visit this blog from time to time for more information.

Thank you

All the best!